Monday, October 11, 2010

Dead Dustbusters.

As a mom, do you ever feel like you've just run out of steam? That's a really stupid question, huh? I have yet to find a mom that doesn't feel like this....present company included. How do you know when you are in need of a little recharge?
I've been walking around lately like a miserable wreck. Completely exausted, no energy, no life left, complaining and ornery. yuck. Who wants to be around that? Not me. I don't want to be around myself.
I've realized (with the help of my husband) that I really don't have an outlet to just "unwind". I used to make jewelry, and do a few other things but, since moving here, our life is really crazy (that's a whole other post) and those things have been put on the back burner. My loving husband has encouraged me to take breaks and find outlets for my creativity and such, and although I would love to, I don't even know what to do to be honest. Sometimes I feel so one dimensional, like there is only one side to me and that is the mothering/wiving side. Please do not misunderstand me, I am so blessed and thankful to be at home with my children and I cherish it with all of my heart but, there are times I feel like, it begins to be my only definition and I just don't think that is true. I can do other things, I just can't remember what those are right now. I would like to rediscover them, though.
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Isaiah 40:29-31. Verse 29 says "He gives power to those who are tired and worn out." Ahhh...I love that. Just reading those words encourages me so much. There is strength available to me when I feel this way. Thank You Lord. Sometimes for me, it's just stopping long enough to receive it.
3 more days until I leave to visit my mom. I will be having plenty of time to maybe think of some ways to recharge my batteries so, I can be a better mom and a wife. Because, honestly I can't be all that God has called me to be in my home if I am out of steam. It's like my dustbuster. A lot of times after use, it does not get plugged in. Then, I go to use it and it won't start. It is useless to me...and very frustrating. I don't want to be a dead dustbuster.

But those who wait on The Lord will find new strength.
They will fly high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

So...I know I'm not alone. I'd love to hear from you. What do you do to recharge your batteries? I'd love some ideas.


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

I've learned that I have to have some time to myself to recharge. Doesn't have to be long, doesn't have to be pampering, but me & my big green chair & a cup of tea need to spend a little time together.

Hope you find a good way to recharge your own batteries soon.

Casey said...

You are definitely not alone! I am thankful that my husband sees the need for me to "recharge" too! Sometimes all it takes is a trip to Target by myself or to the coffee shop. But most of the time it is taking an evening after everyone is in bed to indulge myself in my creative outlet: knitting!

Have a wonderful trip visiting your mom! :)