My little A has some serious bed-head. But honestly, it's really quite cute. You know the whole "business in the front, party in the back" thing they say with the mullet? Well, she doesn't have a mullet but, that definitely defines her morning hair to a tee. These pictures will give you an idea. The first one is a side view...
You see how the front is nice and flat?

Now, for the back view! It's alot of fun to comb out! The people who invented
detangling spray are absolute geniuses!

Believe it or not, this is not the worst of it. Sometimes it literally sticks straight up.
I love my little bed-headed girl! When she wakes up, she runs in to the kitchen looking for a hug from me with her little sleepy eyes and wild hair, I love it. It's kind of cool because really, her bed-head is sort of a reflection of her personality. Fun, lively, always bouncy and giggly...that's my A.
I know, maybe in a few years, these pictures will be embarrassing to her but, I know I will look at them and remember my sweet little girl with the crazy bed- head. Her future hubby might want to take a look at these and see what he's getting himself into! (just joking, of course).
*Check out the poll on my sidebar and vote! I'd love to know what you think!

Now, for the back view! It's alot of fun to comb out! The people who invented
detangling spray are absolute geniuses!

Believe it or not, this is not the worst of it. Sometimes it literally sticks straight up.
I love my little bed-headed girl! When she wakes up, she runs in to the kitchen looking for a hug from me with her little sleepy eyes and wild hair, I love it. It's kind of cool because really, her bed-head is sort of a reflection of her personality. Fun, lively, always bouncy and giggly...that's my A.
I know, maybe in a few years, these pictures will be embarrassing to her but, I know I will look at them and remember my sweet little girl with the crazy bed- head. Her future hubby might want to take a look at these and see what he's getting himself into! (just joking, of course).
*Check out the poll on my sidebar and vote! I'd love to know what you think!
haha that's seriously hilarious!
that is too funny! how cute! she is precious :)
love it!
She's so sweet! I love the bedhead and I agree... Thank God for detangling spray!!
so cute! I love the whole "party in the back" :D
She is so adorable!! :)
now that is hilarious-precious!
Congrats on SITS Spotlight Day!!
That's what my hair looks like in the morning. The first time my husband saw it, when we were dating, he was in shock!
Does she go to bed with it wet?
That's absolutely too funny. I can so relate. My daughter has spiral curls and they become a mess in the morning! Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS day! That's tooo cute! I have moments like that with my hair too!
holy cow - that must take forever to comb through! She's adorable!
gotta agree with you..thank goodness for the detangler stuff..
Too cute -- what an adorable little one!
That is an awesome style she is rocking. I love it.
Although for once I'm not jealous of the cute girl stuff. It is making my son's buzz cut look pretty easy to care for.
Gosh, and I thought my daughter got bedhead. That takes some serious beating. But at least your daughter's gets combed. Unfortunately my (tomboy) daughter doesn't see the importance of having neat hair.
You gotta love bedhead! I bet you do use quite a bit of detangling spray! My goodness!
Awww! My little girl has the mullet thing going on right now! Not intentionally, of course, but her hair just seems to be growing a LOT faster in back! lol.
Great pics!! One day they will embarrass her, but then one day even later she'll look at them and see what you see now- an adorable little munchkin!
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! What a cutie w/ her bed head!
What a cutie pie! She is a seriously crazy sleeper!:)
how adorable! I just love little ones with bed head...especially first thing in the morning when they're still waking up and so happy to see you.
stopped by from SITS
how adorable! :) she is precious!
happy SITS day!
lol, totally cute!
Oh man story of my life. I am an egg beater when I sleep. It drives my husband crazy!
Your little girl is so cute.
Yes I love de-tangler. Amazing stuff it is!
How adorable!! I love it!
Wow. That deserves an award. Hehe. Happy SITS day!
When my two now-20-something daughters were little, we literally would use a bottle of No More Tangles a night. And sometimes now when I wake up and look at myself in the mirror first thing, I wonder if I've got a leftover bottle somewhere!
I love little girl bed head!! My little one will find me just to say good mornin' Mummy. I also love the puffy eye look in the morning. I just want to squeeze them all.
she has AWESOME volume!!!
Too cute!
so funny! her hair actually looks like mine when i wake up in the morning!
Yowzers--hope she's good about getting it brushed!
Woohoo! That's some party hair! Mine does that if I go to bed with it wet. She still looks adorable!
adorable! My little girl might end up looking the same some day...she loves to rub the back of her head on the crib sheet :)
Some people pay good money for that look!
Love it - very NASCAR. Most women have to use a whole can of Aqua Net to get that effect.
:^) Anna
Oh I have one of those bed head queens too! (And I'm not talking about me, though I do a great bed head myself....) My kiddo's hair used to be so crazy and snarly that even detangling spray didn't save us. That's when I started putting her hair in a ponytail, bun or braids at night - now we have much more pleasant mornings though it isn't as photogenic LOL! She's presently obsessed with Bindi the Jungle girl, so if she sleeps in braids, her hair looks all crimped in the morning which she looooves.
Loved the pictures! Cheers!
That funny but also horrifying if you're the mom of a kiddo with super curly hair, like I am. Every day around here is bedhead day! *lol* I got kinda tired of buying detangling spray simply because the smell bothered me. So I made my own. I bought a squirt bottle and put a tablespoon of my KMS conditioner in it and filled it with water. Voila! Better smelling and less expensive than J&J or even Loreal detangler. Of course, we go through the stuff like nobody's business, so it only made sense.
Your blog is adorable. I am so glad you were featured today! Happy SITS day!
And I thought my son's hair was wild in the mornings! Very cute!
I wish I got up in the morning looking that cute!
So adorable!
She must be a very vigorous sleeper! How cute! I bet in a few years she will be totally irritated with you for posting such pictures of her. But it is fun for now.
Yep, that's pretty much standard in my house, too! I have a couple little girls and boy do I have to work on their hair.
Absolutely adorable. Just give it a few years and you'll be braiding it everynight just so you dont have to brush all that out.
HOOOOOLY COW! That is the "best" bedhead I have EVER seen! LOL!
And here I thought I was the only one with a bed head like that!
Your little A is a precious doll and I am sure she will complain about these photos when she is older...but what great amunition!
aaawww she's stil so cute!!! congrats again SITSsta!!! great blog!!!
Ah - yes - the inevitable bed head. I've got a curly one and a stick-straight on - I need to keep a photo diary each week for our entertainment, too. CUTE!
(Isn't it just the best when they come to you for that first morning hug / snuggle???) Happy SITS Day!
WOW that hair is crazy.
And I hate to say this...but did you notice how many comments you got on your daughters hair and how many you got on your post...Who am I?
Haha heck, I still have mornings like that.
I guess this answers the question I had about bedhead possibly getting better with more hair. hehe.
great hair!
This is hilarious....and cute!
Wow! impressive.
my hair does that too. and hubby laughs at me
Congrats on being featured at SITS!
Have a Great Day SITSta!
Merry Christmas!
Looks like me some mornings!
poor thing! Wait until she's a teenager and has to do her own hair in the morning. I'm thinking really, really short!
Darling! My hair was always like that growing up, but it's not nearly as bad these days.
That's impressive. The front is SO opposite the back. lol I love it.
She's a sweetie!
Have no fear, my fellow hair-sufferer. There's managable hair in your future. I just recently found a shampoo that actually says it's for unruly hair. It actually worked!
Yay science!
Too cute! And, hey, we're supposed to have all kinds of embarassing stuff on our kids to blackmail them with hen they're older, right?
How cute! My son has bed head, but not that bad!
Happy SITS day! Love the bedhead...too cute!
Oh, what a cutie! We have the bedhead issues, too, and found the perfect song to accompany the combing "Oh my hair had a party last night, musta got into a terrible fight" -- it's a real song that's actually pretty fun!
Came from SITS, love the 'do.
Laughing so hard. We've all been there...she's so lucky to not know any different yet.
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