We have a little tradition around our house where at dinnertime, we share our high part and low part of that day. I thought it would be fun to cover our Christmas break in the same way.
It was full. Very full. It almost didn't feel like a break. We traveled back to NY to spend time with family and friends. We were there for a week but, it still was not enough time. We'll start with the highlights...
1. We celebrated Christmas Eve with our annual homemade pizza making and lighting our last advent candle. We even dressed up. It was tons of fun.
2. Christmas morning was a delight. "A" received a ballerina leotard and ballet slippers that she has been asking for. "K" received a Star Wars Light Sabre and because he loves to look handsome, a shirt and tie!
3. On Christmas afternoon, we headed to NY and arrived around 8:30pm. The kiddos stayed up late opening their presents from Papa Mark and Grandma Jean (my dad and stepmom), and we even had a talk with Uncle Joel (my brother) on Skype from Korea.
4. We celebrated Kent's oldest sister's 40th birthday with a surprise party.
5. 9 adults and 10 kids were altogether in one house...for a couple of days. Can you say crazy?
6. We went sledding with all of the cousins and and when I say "we" I mean Kent and I too. So much fun but, bitter cold.
7. The kiddos, Kent and my dad went to see the movie Tangled.
8. We were leaving to come home on New Year's day so we rung in the New Year by going to bed early!
The lowlights...
1. I was sick on Sunday night, all day Monday and most of Tuesday. I'm still not sure what it was. No puking or anything else, just terrible headaches and nausea. I didn't eat a thing for those 2 and 1/2 days. Yep, I'm probably the only one who actually lost weight over Christmas. :) Oh, and NO I'm not pregnant.
2. The kiddos caught colds at the end of our trip but, that's really not that big of a deal. :)
3. Due to scheduling conflicts and other craziness, we were only able to spend time with my mom for 4 hours out of the whole 6 days we were there. I'm still pretty sad about that one.
4. On the way home, we kept having to pull over on the side of the road because our windshield kept fogging. Nothing worked to fix it. Finally, after several prayers...it started defrosting. :) so I guess it's a lowlight and highlight in one!
That's about it! We were really blessed and thankful to have the chance to spend Christmas with our family and loved ones.
We arrived back here on Saturday evening around 5pm and were pretty much exausted. Trying to see 4 people all in separate locations is tiring! Yesterday, I unpacked, purged and organized some of the kids old toys so we could add the new and then we sat down and watched a movie. Today, we put Christmas away and tomorrow we will start back up with school.
Well, I guess I'm back to (semi) regular blogging. Stay Tuned for a New Year's giveaway coming soon!
*picture from Google images.
1 comment:
Sounds wild and crazy but wonderful! I'm so sorry you were sick. That sure stinks...
Have a great new week!
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