Thursday, January 14, 2010

Life as I know it...

I've decided to write a post on my life right now. My real life. I often struggle at times as to how much is too much to share on a blog. Most times I try to keep it light. I look at blogging as a way to express myself and have fun. But, honestly I don't have any light and fun ideas in my head right now. The title of my blog is This Girl's Pilgrimage but, I don't think I've been really sharing much of the journey. I find myself sitting at the computer, having all of these things to say but no idea how to say them. Will anyone get it? Will it be worth reading? I'm now convinced that it really doesn't matter. I started this blog to keep friends and family in the loop of my life and I've now decided I need to do that. While I won't be sharing deeply personal issues because, I'm just not comfortable with that, I will be sharing more of my journey, or pilgrimage in this life, a life that is drasticallly different than it was just a year ago.
My husband put it well in his blog...

As you can imagine, planting a church in one of the most unchurched cities and regions in the country (Cambridge/Boston) near the #1 University in America (Harvard) isn't a cake walk. It's been a joy but very difficult. We have changed every part of our lives from our housing, type of environment, ministry role, friends, etc, etc, etc...

I couldn't have put it any better. I am a minister's wife, I have been for the past 10 years. There are joys and struggles and all kinds of wonderful and hard things about that life, and maybe by posting more about that part of my life, I can be helpful to others in the same boat. So yes, we have started a church from scratch. It has been the most amazing yet, difficult time in my life. The Lord has been as faithful as always as we have uprooted our lives and moved here. We are slowly developing our team and now have 2 people as well as one currently preparing to move here soon. We have been having amazing prayer meetings and meeting incredible people.
One of the most frequently asked questions we get is "How do you plant a church from scratch?" and the answer to that is "we're working on finding that out." There is no exact method to it but, we feel that we have heard a strategy from the Lord that we are following. It is one thing to move and pastor an already existing church but, to start one from nothing is another ballgame. Walking with God in this has been an incredible adventure, there are some days when I wake up and feel like I could just do anything and others when I want to throw in the towel. I am reminded of this one thing...I cannot be anywhere outside of the will of The Lord. We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is where the Lord has us and I would not have that any other way. I want to be where He is. It has been incredible to see the many ways that The Lord is working and I look forward to sharing more of that with you.
Feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to answer them for you.

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